New Video Series to Support Prevention Professionals: The Six Elements of Effective Coalitions

May 18, 2022
No matter how well any program or practice is implemented by a community coalition, its power is strengthened exponentially when it has reliable resources that are embraced and utilized to guide the overall prevention initiatives. When I served as a program coordinator for Partnerships for Health, a grant program to prevent the onset, and reduce the progression of substance misuse, we embraced the strategic prevention framework (SPF). It helped us successfully build coalitions that strengthened the prevention capacity and infrastructure at the community. 
The field of prevention is constantly evolving and new tools are needed to address new and emerging issues. One such tool is the PTTC’s Six Elements of Effective Coalitions Resource Toolkit. Coalition leaders and the national PTTC network have collaborated to create a toolkit that provides resources to help mobilize community partners and maintain thriving coalitions. This toolkit is organized around six key elements, or coalition characteristics, shown through research to promote the adoption of science-based prevention practices that generate improved community conditions. It is a companion piece to The Six Elements of Effective Coalitions Research Overview, which introduces and defines each of the Six Elements of Effective Coalitions. We are promoting this new toolkit because we believe it encourages the conditions for communities to thrive.
Every other month, beginning in May and ending in December, the South Southwest PTTC will post a new video on one of the the six elements of effective coalitions. This series serves as a follow-up to the Prevention Coalition Affinity Group Series. As the strategies to rejuvenate your coalition evolves, these videos may give you and your coalition concrete practices that will improve prevention outcomes. In the first video, we explore strategies to build coalitions with diverse stakeholders. In the second recording, we will discuss how to encourage active participation among coalition members. Please join us as we continue our prevention coalition affinity group experience to learn from each other and rejuvenate prevention systems by viewing the videos and downloading the resource guide. 

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Photo of Derrick Newby

Since 1997, U.S. military veteran Derrick Newby has worked in the field of prevention and public health in both the public and private sector. He serves as a training and technical assistance specialist for the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center for HHS Region 6. 

As a veteran’s counselor and advocate, Mr. Newby gained experience with the impact of federal programs on communities after working as a special assistant to a member of Congress. He then worked as the Program Coordinator in Arkansas for the Delta Region AIDS Education and Training Center for 15 years, facilitating the education of providers interested in increasing their capacity to provide comprehensive services related to HIV including testing and treatment. In 2017, he was selected for a position with the University of Arkansas Little Rock and served as a Program Coordinator with MidSOUTH Center for Prevention and Training for 5 years, helping to facilitate the growth of the prevention system.  

Serving on the Arkansas Prevention Certification Board since 2020, Mr. Newby has a Master of Public Administration and a Bachelor of Science in psychology with a minor in education. 
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